Rhododendron Vs Azalea
Botanically speaking, azaleas and rhododendrons belong to the genus Rhododendron, with azaleas identified as a subspecies of the rhododendron family. According to botanists, there are not enough botanical differences between the two to classify them as two separate species.
Are azaleas smaller than rhododendrons?
Other differences are: rhododendrons all are evergreen, while azaleas are either deciduous or evergreen; rhododendrons grow larger than azaleas and their blossoms and foliage also tend to be larger. Nevertheless, the botanical taxonomists have put both rhododendrons and azaleas in the same genus, Rhododendron.
Where is the best place to plant a Rhododendron?
The ideal site for planting rhododendrons is semi-shaded to sunny. It must also be sheltered from the prevailing winds, particularly in winter, as rhododendrons are highly prone to wind damage.
How do I identify an azalea bush?
Azalea (Rhododendron spp.) Leaves are simple, entire, and elliptic in shape, and are arranged alternately on the stem; they are deep green and very pubescent. New growth has pubescent stems. Flowers appear in the spring, are funnelform and are borne on umbel-like clusters of many colors.
What is the prettiest azalea?
Encore Azalea is the best azalea you'll ever plant. Encore Azaleas are the world's best-selling re-blooming azalea with rich, colorful blooms in spring, summer and fall.
Are rhododendrons shade or sun?
Traditional rhododendrons thrive in filtered sunlight and acidic soil. Newer varieties can tolerate a range of sunlight conditions, but always check the plant tag or description when shopping to make sure the plant needs match your garden conditions.
What is the problem with rhododendrons?
These include fungal leaf spots, leaf and flower gall, root rot, oedema, leaf flooding, winter injury, and chlorosis.
How many years does it take for a rhododendron to grow?
Rhododendrons have no final size and can grow almost indefinitely. They range from dwarf, ground-hugging varieties which may reach 16 in. in 10 years (40 cm) to giant tree-like specimens as tall as 20 ft. or more (6 m). Both moisture and the length of the growing season will have a serious impact on their growth rate.
What time of year should you plant rhododendrons?
Plant in spring or early fall. Space plants 2 to 6 feet apart, depending on their estimated mature size. Dig a hole as deep as the root ball and 2 times as wide. Set new plants so that their top roots are at soil level or slightly below.
How many years do azaleas last?
Azaleas are a long-lived bush, but nothing lasts forever. Answer: Unfortunately, there is not much you can do for you planting of azaleas. Like all living things plants get old and die. For azaleas, 35 years is a ripe old age.
What side of the house should you plant azalea?
Choose Your Site Plant them in dense shade and they won't bloom. A good location is where they receive either dappled sun all day or sun in the morning and light shade in the afternoon. Good places might include spots under trees, or along the north side of your house.
Are azalea bushes high maintenance?
Azaleas are not high-maintenance plants. If anything, attention to pruning, watering until the plants are established, and a winter's blanket of mulch are all that's required.
Which azalea is the hardiest?
The most hardy azalea varieties are in the “Northern Lights” series, introduced by the University of Minnesota in the 1980's. These azaleas are hardy to zone 4. Members of the Northern Lights series include: Orchid Lights.
What is the longest blooming azalea?
Encore® Azaleas, on the other hand, typically fill your landscape with 4 to 6 months of unparalleled floral beauty – demonstrating why they are number one. To be honest, in places like the Gulf Coast and the Southern East Coast, it is not uncommon to see Encore® Azaleas blooming in the garden for 8+ months of the year.
What is the most popular azalea?
21 of the Best Azalea Series and Cultivars to Grow at Home
- Electric Lights Double Pink.
- Fireball.
- Gibraltar.
- Klondyke.
- Lemon Lights.
- Mollis Hybrid.
- Pink-A-Boo.
Are rhododendrons low maintenance?
Rhododendron care is simple since this flowering shrub is virtually maintenance-free. Follow these easy steps to keep your shrubs flowering year after year. The stunning and stately rhododendron plant — native to Asia — is a popular and much-loved landscaping element in New England.
Do rhododendrons need lots of water?
Just like us, rhododendrons do need plenty of water and food! So many people forget to fertilize their plants and this is particularly important in the first years whilst the plants are establishing themselves. It is also essential if you are growing your plant in a pot.
Do rhododendrons need to be deadheaded?
Yes. Deadheading,or removing old spent flowers, is beneficial for lots of plants including rhododendrons and azaleas. This puts more energy into new bud production and leaf growth rather than seeding. Remove spent flowers by snapping off or cutting away the flower head.
What kills a rhododendron?
Too much water. Overwatering and planting in heavy, poorly draining soils are primary causes of death for newly planted rhododendrons. With new plantings, gardeners generally learn to dig a hole twice as wide and as deep as the root ball being planted.
Do rhododendrons poison the soil?
So not only does Rhododendron block out life-giving light, but it poisons the soil as well.” Ulster Wildlife Trust. “As well as shading large areas to cut out light for other plants to grow, the bush poisons nearby soil with chemicals that kill other species.” Jenny Fyall, news.scotsman.com.
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